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Showing posts from October, 2012

Five Amazing YouTubers to look out for

Hello good day and good morrow to you guys and girls alike. How are you doing on this day, at this time, in your life? Peachy, I hope. I have noticed that I hardly ever update my blog. This bothers me because this is what I want, to write and get out to people and I’m not keeping up with it. Plus you don’t have to worry about this being a random general post about me wanting to change things here. No, not at all…Today I actually have a topic to talk about. Today I would like to talk about YouTube Bloggers (Vloggers, Channels) that tickle my fancy (these words together never seem quite right). NIGAHIGA: Whenever I get time to myself or am freakishly bored there are a few people on YouTube that I tend to go check up on or I am subscribed too. For example, since I was waaayyy younger, I have been watching ‘NigaHiga’s’ videos. He just is funny without trying. His videos may be about random silly things but they are always great for a good laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever watched one of ...

Challenge:Cut out as much sugar as Possible for a week

Hello good day and good morrow to you my lovely little ones or big ones, I hold you all in the same place in my heart. Sooo how are you on this rainy evening? I hope great. I am a strangely in a weirder mood than usual. Today I would like to talk a little bit about that. To start off with I am doing a challenge to cut out as much sugar as possible from my diet for a week and see if it greatly affects my energy level. Yay! A challenge!Yes its a challenge and I haven't done a serious one in a while so I thought why not, its an experiment and I like those (usually I like it better when its not being done to me, depending on what it is). Yeah basically what I have done is that I drink only water, (yes I cut out tea as well, at least for this week)and I don't eat as much rubbish like I used to. I was watching 'The DRS' and they suggested that you do that just to see how much energy that you get just by cutting out sugar. So I thought well why not, and here I am. I started W...

General Post: Stories like Articles

Hello good day and good morrow to you my lovelies. How are you all? Fine, peachy I hope. I'm a bit under the weather but I'm recovering. Though I cant really taste anything right now. I can smell wonderful food but whenever I try it, it all taste bleh, even the things I like. Has that ever happened to you? You get sick and your taste buds get messed up and everything seems to have lost its' taste? I really wanted to update today though so here it is. Today I would like to make a sort of general posting. You know every now and then I'll do that just to update on things and changes that I would like to make etc. Well it crossed my mind today that it would probably be cool to either introduce some of my characters to you in article style posts or something like that or write some short stories here. I have no problem posting stories that I don't plan on publishing. If I do that some of them may be article style like a writer from a newspaper is the writer. This writer...