Hello good day and good morrow to you guys and girls alike. How are you doing on this day, at this time, in your life? Peachy, I hope. I have noticed that I hardly ever update my blog. This bothers me because this is what I want, to write and get out to people and I’m not keeping up with it. Plus you don’t have to worry about this being a random general post about me wanting to change things here. No, not at all…Today I actually have a topic to talk about. Today I would like to talk about YouTube Bloggers (Vloggers, Channels) that tickle my fancy (these words together never seem quite right). NIGAHIGA: Whenever I get time to myself or am freakishly bored there are a few people on YouTube that I tend to go check up on or I am subscribed too. For example, since I was waaayyy younger, I have been watching ‘NigaHiga’s’ videos. He just is funny without trying. His videos may be about random silly things but they are always great for a good laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever watched one of ...