1)Write at least 4 blog posts. 2)Sign up for German class and school. 3)Go to Trincity 4)Gain Abs like Bruce Lee or just Abs (lol) 5)Find out schedule for Korean classes. 6)Bake either banana bread or muffins. 7)Draw some people (at least zwei (2)). 8)Make my last day of work awesome and memorable. 9)Write a new Fanfiction. 10)Write 3 essays for Introduction to Political Philosophy. 11)Wear BTS Jacket to work. 12)Take pictures of work and co-workers before leaving. 13)Get/ order new phone. 14)Buy new clothes for school. 15)Get tests done. 16)Decorate Lenny (new laptop with stickers). 17)Get a new school Bag already. 18)Do something silly but fun. 19)Play Parang strum without making a mistake. 20)Talk to a stranger.