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Showing posts from August, 2016

Review: Sau Tao Sichuan Noodles

So after a trip to a wholesale Asian store, I found a little noodle pack that I had never seen before. Sau Tao Sichuan Noodles is very interesting. It costs more than the cheap ramen, which can cost from around two dollars and up (I paid fourteen dollars for it) but it is made to feed two people. It is the first ramen that I have seen made for two but its kinda cute when I think about it. Anyway I bought the beef flavor and actually made it like soup (usually I just drain out the water and eat the noodles part after cooking it) and I actually really liked it. The noodles tasted nice so did the liquid part. One serving was indeed a lot though and it did manage to full me up. The ramen is available in other flavors that you can try like chicken and wonton soup. Honestly what sold me on the product before I bought it was the way it was packaged. Everything was just so neat and I love the way the tied up the noodles. I would recommend people try it and judge for themselves. I think I...

August Bucket List 2016

I would like to dedicate this bucket list to my education. I genuinely like studying and learning new things so I thought it may be beneficial to spend the time leading up to the new school semester to getting my brain back into full study mode. 1)Learn a new German or Korean word or phrase a day. 2)Go to the Korean restaurant 3)Dedicate 5 minutes each day to studying either German or Korean or both. 4) Have one hour of translation a week. 5) Send any outstanding letters to penpals. 6) Decide between doing Japanese and Chinese already. 7) Go three places that I've never been to before. 8) Have a week of sketches and draw/sketch anything I like. 9) Do and complete a month long exercise challenge. 10) Look up and prepare upcoming semester subjects/classes. 11) Be spontaneous. 12) Visit/spend time with someone I haven't seen in a long time. 13)Bake something. 14) Spend a day with my brothers/carry them somewhere. 15) Create a story using Scratch Programming. 16) Sp...