The Kpop world is filled with many great bands that are within their own right amazing dancers. Watching the music videos is one thing but when you get to see those dances without all the lights, glamour and cut scenes is when you really get a chance to appreciate them. When its just the music and them dancing without distractions is when the magic happens and you really get to experience their talent.
I have watched a few dance practices from bands that have really inspired me to try to learn those dances myself. So I have decided to list out some of those wonderful dances for you guys to judge for yourself. Now this list is going to be limited because there are many dance practices that I have never seen so if I have excluded a band that you think deserves some recognition for their amazing dancing abilities let me know. Also the list is not in any particular order either.
1) History- Just Might Die (blindfold dance practice).
You can tell when someone has practiced a dance lots when they can literally do it blindfolded, with four other blindfolded people next to them. I can tell that this dance is done with a bit of hesitation. There seems to be more of a focus on getting through the moves than doing them with the usual flair that I am used to them dancing with. This caution is most likely because of the loss of a sense. I mean they are blindfolded after all and are probably trying their best not to accidentally hit the other members. That being said, the dance is still quite awesome and amazing to watch. You can see how they usually do the dance without holding back here which is just as hella good and more. One of my favorite parts has to be when they do that kind of Bi Rain Hip Song dance part, also the bungee jump dance part is just nice to watch. I totally want to try that. On a side note History has multi versions of this dance where you can watch the individual members do it. So pick your favorite members and go watch them work it.
2) BTS-Boy in Lov
Now some of you may know that I have some mad love for BTS War of Hormones dance practice and I must admit to seeing a few dance practices with that song. However after seeing the ‘Boy in Luv’ dance practice I am at a loss for words. Damn that dance was so bad ass! The song itself is very fast paced and therefore the dance would be expected to be somewhat like that and it doesn’t disappoint. Not only is it very well choreographed BUT the delivery of it seems flawless –at least to me. One my favorite part is the beginning when Jungkook does a move and only the members on his left follow, then other side follows. I like that there are moments when aren’t doing the same thing and then suddenly everyone falls into place and is doing the steps. It is very well thought out, very well executed and just a thrill to watch.
3) Bi Rain-La Song
Like with everything else, Bi Rain doesn’t let being the only solo artist on this list stop him. The reason this dance practice works is because of is a huge fun factor involved. Simply put, the dance seems like it’s fun, the dancers look like they are having the time of their lives doing it and Rain makes it worth your while to watch. It’s difficult to watch this dance and not crack a smile. The happiness in this video is contagious. Videos like this show the difference between Artists and Performers. Not all artists can entertain or knows how to keep the crowd excited but I truly believe that Rain is an entertainer and this is proof of that. It’s one thing to get a crowd pumped up but your dancers? Now that is something. Give it a watch and see what you think.
4) Big Bang – Bang Bang Bang
Not only is this a fun dance but its also all kinds of crazy...in a good way. Now even if you don’t like this song or like Big Bang please still watch this video, if only for T.O.P. It is very difficult to describe what he is doing in this video. Basically there is everyone else’s version of the dance and then there is T.O.P’s. His focus is 90% on being cool and 10% on actually doing the dance but somehow he pulls it off! Plus they all killed in their solo performances. This dance practice was a bit like a flash mob with the amount of people in this video.
I have a complaint though, at some points you couldn’t see all the members because the camera was way too close! Seriously they needed to zoom out! especially in a video that had so many people. Really, that was a shitload of back up dancers! I have to mention this as well; it was very difficult to locate Taeyang in this, even when he was dancing in front. I’m not sure if it was because he was wearing a shirt or what but it was like trying to find Waldo.
5) Cross Gene-Amazing Bad Lady
Last but certainly not least on this list is Cross Gene’s Amazing Bad Lady. This video was the first I have seen of this band. I honestly didn’t know anything about this dance until a friend of mine sent me a link to this video. I never thought I would be saying this BUT they highlight their crotch a bit too much for me in this dance. At the same time they were so in time when they did it that I really can’t fault them too much. Now like Rain’s La Song dance practice this video will make you smile maybe even chuckle but not for the same reasons. This video is more on the sexual side, with some tension (homoerotic?) among-st the members. I just feel like there are lots of emotions expressed in this practice and I don’t know how to feel when I watch it but damn those dudes are so on point and so deserve a spot on this list just for that so give it a watch, it was definitely very entertaining.
Now when I looked up these videos I realized that there are many amazing Kpop artists that can dance their asses off or are just really amazing to watch, and it was really very difficult to decide who to add to this list and who to exclude. So I will be doing a part 2 to this list and a part 3 if it needed be. Plus I’m sure that I missed many great dance tutorials. Drop me a few suggestions and maybe some of those videos will end up on the next list. I really want to do a girl group version as well but I need your help because of my lack of knowledge in the girl group department so as I said before suggestions are very welcomed.
That was today’s list. Hope you like it, let me know if you agree or disagree with any of the videos on the list and let me know why. Look forward to part 2 coming song (hopefully) and bye bye for now!
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