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Showing posts from 2018

Finland's Christmas Traditions

Although Christmas in Finland starts on the First Advert, which falls on the first Sunday of December, most people bring in the season on Saint Lucia Day on December 13 or as early as December 6, which is Finland’s Independence Day. Saint Lucia was a 3rd century martyr who used a candle lit wreath as a light source in order to fill her hands with as much food as she could carry for Christians who were in hiding. Although she would later be killed by Romans because of her religious beliefs, she is celebrated to this day. On Saint Lucia Day there would be many festivities including a portrayal of the martyr by a chosen girl who wears white and wears a wreath of candle in honour of the saint. In Finland, most of the Christmas traditions are carried out on Christmas Eve. These include going to Saunas, visiting cemeteries to remember lost ones and going to mass for Catholics. Visiting Saunas are often believed to be just as important as Christmas dinner. They to be cleaned, decorate...

Emperior Valley Zoo Visit

After a very quiet Easter, I was having a conversation and realised that neither of us had been to the zoo in some time. Cue the impromptu trip with some friends to the Emperor Valley Zoo. Now the cost to enter the zoo was 30 dollars for adults and 15 for children.  After entry although they give you a receipt the security doesn't like to let anyone leave for any reasons.  So if you leave anything in your car or have to leave the compound for any reasons you will have problems.  The day itself was pretty good. The animals entertaining and there was so much to see that it was almost like taking a hiking trip.  The zoo itself had gone under a number of renovations for the better,  however although it was a big day in the year for zoo visitors some of the exhibits we're closed or still under constructions. Positives -getting to touch some of the animals that the zoo keepers brought out like the snake -lots more bathrooms and seating areas -stories from zoo kee...

Korean UCC Competition

The Korean Embassy in Trinidad and Tobago has always been welcoming body to the nationals who are interested in their language and their culture. Since I joined their official language classes I have learnt so much but I have also made so many amazing friends. In 2017 they have made efforts to strengthen the ties between Trinidad and Tobago and Korea by having a Korea Week. The week would include movie nights, concert by a Korean Orchestra group and a series of competitions, including a speech contest and a UCC contest.  Yours truly participated in the UCC competition with the help and support of my brother and my boyfriend. With their help I was able to place third with my entry entitled; Kpop Karaoke Party. It was quite a silly entry but it took a lot of work to put together. Plus I did the singing for all the parts (horribly too heh).  There were lots of amazing entries and I was just proud to be part of them. The entrants who came first and second really deserved it....