Today I am going to start making some blog changes. From now on Fridays will be...drum roll please.....WTF Fridays!!!
I wanna talk about things I have seen or heard that made me wonder and not exactly in a good way. So now for out first WTF Friday, I would like to talk about the BP oil spill. Yes sadly I think I will have to go there. there u can read about the reason behind the leak. So now I come to the reason this deserves a WTF Friday moment. *sigh. PUTTING BLAME...THAT'S WHAT THIS UNFORTUNATE DISASTER HAS BEEN REDUCED TOO. POINTING FINGERS!
Last night I saw part of the news and they were putting all the blame on one man. Just like in the link. I kept thinking what is the point of doing that. They had the man sitting and listening while they all criticize him. That was the WTF moment. Right now the focus should be on how to fix this. Now is the time when they can show how effective their methods to solve the problem. Pointing fingers again...these are our leaders, and what do they do when faced with a crises they panic and blame the nearest person they can find! I am so ashamed, so ashamed.
My heart went out to the guy when he asked for his life back and they said and I quote, "You ask for your life back, but its going to take years before those people on the gulf of mexico get their life back" WTF! SERIOUSLY?! WHY WOULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT...HE WANTS HIS LIFE BACK BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE ARE PERSECUTING HIM!
stop with the damn pointing fingers because NO ONE and I mean NO ONE is benefiting from it. So stop it!
The last thing I must comment about...the stockholders who are pulling out at the last minute....have you not learned that its times like these you buy up stock? The only time you pull out is when you see the company not being able to get back on its feet. BP however is not a small company. Its a company that millions of suppliers depend upon, so wouldn't it make more sense to work to invest now when stocks are plummeting? Well in the end maybe I am wrong, maybe I dont have my facts right...but I if dont feel free to comment, Tell me what you think about this post, if you dont agree with me, whatever comes to mind when you read this, tell me about it, because I want to know... I want to here what you have to say about this crisis.
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