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Showing posts from 2012

Ten Conversation Helpers!

Hello good day and good morrow to you, my wonderful, wonderful readers. How are you all on this awesome day? Great I hope. I am doing alright, though I seemed to have loss the will to study. I think it’s because I am so worried about not getting a good enough grade. Today I would like to talk about something a bit different. Today I want to talk about different ways you can get a conversation flowing between you and someone you may have just met. Often and if you’re anything like me, after the initial greeting, “Hi, how are you? Fine, nice to meet you too” etc, you don’t really know what to say. You would like to get a conversation going but you just don’t know how. I mean what if you say something that offends that person, or maybe everything just gets awkward when you try to bring up something to talk about. Whatever it is, here are some ways that you can work through those awkward conversations; 1. Ask them about their hobbies: This may seem like a lame thing to do, but it’s a ...

Five Amazing YouTubers to look out for

Hello good day and good morrow to you guys and girls alike. How are you doing on this day, at this time, in your life? Peachy, I hope. I have noticed that I hardly ever update my blog. This bothers me because this is what I want, to write and get out to people and I’m not keeping up with it. Plus you don’t have to worry about this being a random general post about me wanting to change things here. No, not at all…Today I actually have a topic to talk about. Today I would like to talk about YouTube Bloggers (Vloggers, Channels) that tickle my fancy (these words together never seem quite right). NIGAHIGA: Whenever I get time to myself or am freakishly bored there are a few people on YouTube that I tend to go check up on or I am subscribed too. For example, since I was waaayyy younger, I have been watching ‘NigaHiga’s’ videos. He just is funny without trying. His videos may be about random silly things but they are always great for a good laugh. I don’t think I’ve ever watched one of ...

Challenge:Cut out as much sugar as Possible for a week

Hello good day and good morrow to you my lovely little ones or big ones, I hold you all in the same place in my heart. Sooo how are you on this rainy evening? I hope great. I am a strangely in a weirder mood than usual. Today I would like to talk a little bit about that. To start off with I am doing a challenge to cut out as much sugar as possible from my diet for a week and see if it greatly affects my energy level. Yay! A challenge!Yes its a challenge and I haven't done a serious one in a while so I thought why not, its an experiment and I like those (usually I like it better when its not being done to me, depending on what it is). Yeah basically what I have done is that I drink only water, (yes I cut out tea as well, at least for this week)and I don't eat as much rubbish like I used to. I was watching 'The DRS' and they suggested that you do that just to see how much energy that you get just by cutting out sugar. So I thought well why not, and here I am. I started W...

General Post: Stories like Articles

Hello good day and good morrow to you my lovelies. How are you all? Fine, peachy I hope. I'm a bit under the weather but I'm recovering. Though I cant really taste anything right now. I can smell wonderful food but whenever I try it, it all taste bleh, even the things I like. Has that ever happened to you? You get sick and your taste buds get messed up and everything seems to have lost its' taste? I really wanted to update today though so here it is. Today I would like to make a sort of general posting. You know every now and then I'll do that just to update on things and changes that I would like to make etc. Well it crossed my mind today that it would probably be cool to either introduce some of my characters to you in article style posts or something like that or write some short stories here. I have no problem posting stories that I don't plan on publishing. If I do that some of them may be article style like a writer from a newspaper is the writer. This writer...

Good Government, Bad Education, Vise Versa or Somewhere in between?

Hello good day and good morrow to you my lovelies and how are you on this amazing day? What makes this day amazing you ask? Well all of my classes for today got cancelled. Yay! What was that? I shouldn’t ‘yay’ for that because education is important? Well you know, I…I wouldn’t willingly miss a class. Once there is class, I’m there but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a day off every now and then. I plan on doing some studying today as well. I’m not going to waste it. I’m updating am I not. Sooo, today I would like to talk about education. Just a few things to note, in Trinidad the when it comes to education things are limited. I have to mention that if you are living in the West it’s even more limited as most tertiary schools are either eastward or southward. One of my former teachers said that it was because people assumed that most persons willing to further their education are living in the east. I call bullshit on this. Whoever has the brains to build a proper internationally reco...

Blog Rant: Stressed

Hello, good day and good morrow to you, my lovely, lovely people. Stray kisses for all of you wonderful ones who put up with my lackadaisical behavior. You may also have any dessert of your choice. Yes I am feeling that good about updating today. As usual I haven't updated in a while. Sorry about that but it was back to school for me for a while now. The thing is I have been wanting to update for a while now, but its been a mixture of being busy and lazy. Honestly though I am very fucking tired at early hours these days. I mean very mentally and physically tired. Have you ever had moments when you just feel drained and find yourself unable to do anything When even when you try it doesn't come out right or you cant bring yourself to put in as much effort as you would've liked. Yep that is how I feel. There are somethings in my life as well, that is just stressing me out ALOT. I mean its so bad that I haven't been reading my notes or my text books, but I suddenly feel...

That Happy Feeling

Hello everyone and how are you on this wondrous evening? Great I hope. Today is my last day updating everyday. Yes! Yes! Yes! I have accomplished my challenge and it feels good. What shall we talk about today? Hmm what, what what? I seem to be stuck on repetition. Any who, any who any who....still doing it. I am sorry I seem to be on a bit of a high today. I am not sure why though. Maybe its because I got these really cool bracelets today. Its like leather and something else. Its home made you can tell but its all great. So maybe we should talk about that feeling you get when you go looking for something and you get exactly what you wanted, down to the colour and all. Or that feeling when you don't get what you want but you find something even better that what you were expecting. Its kind of a similar feeling. Its great. Today I went into town and I remembered that I wanted to get copper or bronze earrings. I have been meaning to get some for a while, because I have some long c...

Is it a real friendship?

Hello and good morrow to you all. How are you on this rainy as hell day? Great I hope. You know the rain didn't bother me today. Probably because I was inside and had no where of importance to worked out pretty well. Rain is good though, I just don't like it to be raining when I have somewhere to go. Today is the second to last day of my challenge to update everyday. Yeah! I feel strange about it though, I don't know why. I think that I haven't really made such a big impact on this and I could...I just haven't. Sometimes alot of different things go through my head and I don't know what to do about it. That's kind of why I want to be a writer...Why i try so hard to work at things and clear my head of things that bother me. It doesn't always work though. I realized that I can come off as cold to some people and I don't know why. Its not like I don't try to be nice. Its just that sometimes I don't know what to say so I don't know,...

My Bucket List part 1

Hello and good morrow to you. How are you on this lovely day? Great I hope. Today is a simple day I think. Dont you think so? How was today for you? I am not sure what to jump into today, but that doesnt mean anything because I am usually at a loss when it comes to what to update my blog and say anyway. So I think I want to make a bucket list. So that will be the topic for today. Remember you can always send me your bucket list or any other thing that you would like that talk about. If there is a particular topic that you'd like me to to cover or touch on let me know. I will do so to the best of my ability. Yes yes bucket lists. Well I want to put a few things on my potential bucket list. If you dont know what a bucket list is its basically a list of things you would like to do before you die (or hit the bucket as the saying goes). 1)Hike somewhere 2)Travel to Spain, Rome and Italy more than once. 3)Write a trilogy 4)Finish two books in a series 5)Play guitar while singing ...

Web Show Review: Awkward Black Girl

Hello good day and good morrow to everyone. How on you on this wonderful day? Great I hope. If you're from Trinidad and Tobago then today is a holiday for you too. Today is also the first of August which means my post of day challenge should have officially ended today. Yesterday was supposed to be the last day, BUT I want to extend the challenge until August 4th, because I started on July 4th might as well end it exactly one month afterwards. What do you guys think about that? Wow I started writing this after six and I stopped to watch a few episodes of a web show on youtube that my friend told me about and I ended up watching the entire season and the first episode in the second. Soo I guess that goes to show that when you're hooked, you're hooked . Anyway today I would like to talk about the show my friend told me to watch and at the end of this post I'm going to post a link to the first episode just in case you want to check it out. Well the show is called ...

Happy Emancipation Day Everyone!!

Hello and good morrow to you! How are you all on this wonderfully wondrous day? Great I hope. Today was kind of strange. For one I still am not sure that today is Tuesday, i was thinking that it was Monday or something, the only proof that i had that it wasn't (besides my watch) was that people were saying it that it was. Anyway on to today. Today I would like to talk about emancipation. Tomorrow its going to be the Trinidad and Tobago's 50th anniversary of Emancipation. So I would to wish everyone from our island a happy happy emancipation day. The country seems to be going through the works of getting ready for tomorrow. I hope that it goes along smoothly. I have a few thoughts on what they are going with there plans on the celebration but I would rather not go into that right now. We have been through alot as a people and as a nation and as we past this landmark in our nation's history let us hope that as we have many more mild stones to cross, we do so to the best o...

Just another form of racism

Hello good day and good morrow to you. How are you on this wonderful day? Wonderful I hope. Today is very quiet so far, so thats good. I feel the need to do some work today and relax as well. Last night or I should say early this morning, I took the time to get some editing done. Eventually I stopped because I was tired and being tired and editing means even more mistakes than before. I am glad I started though... Progress is good! I was thinking about translating some German paragraphs or stories just to get some practice in. Right now I dont feel as if I am doing enough towards strengthening my language skills. Anyway today I would like to talk about something that I am not sure I want to give too much airplay but its something that got to me and I think that I should mention it after all. That is racism. *sigh isnt this an already tired topic...We should already be past this. Should be. Anyway I dont want to talk about normal forms of racism, we all know about those, but I want...

Story Ideas for the writer who's blocked part 2

Hello good day and good morrow to you. How are you on this lovely day? Fine I hope. What have you been up to? If you're like me, then you spent your day at the beach playing in the water and sitting in the sand. That's actually why I am updating so late today. Plus its one of those days when its just me by myself at home so yeah... So today I would like do another post with two ideas for writers with writer's block to work on. So just like the last post like that I am going to put two plot ideas that you can work on. Its going to have the same two characters with the little changes added to the plots to make them different. Its up to you to make a plot twist and make an ordinary story extraordinary. So lets begin... First idea: Its night, you're home alone and suddenly there is a knock on the door. When you go to answer it there is a man at the door selling candy. As you are about to close the door after you are finished talking to the strange man, the light flickers ...

Our Faults are our Friends

Hello and good morrow to you my friend. How are you on this wondrous and lovable day? Great I hope. My other brother came over yesterday and he is spending the weekend with us.Yay! I finally found out what happened on his birthday that he was so upset. His father forgot. He remembered the morning was going to buy him a cake at least and he decided not too. Things kind of went downhill from there. That is his fault though, I told him that he should of come with us and had a chief cook lunch for him but noo...Its still sad to here it didn't go as he wanted though. Anyway on to the main topic for today. Today I would like to talk about faults. Its something we all have even the people we admire or the people who we consider our idols. I myself will admit that my fault lists would be too many to note. I mean I'm lazy, stubborn easily depressed, emotionally lacking sometimes, emotionally overbearing other times, afraid, not always confident, self doubting, easily confused and a wh...

Story Ideas for the writer who's blocked

Hello good day and good morrow to you. How are you on this lovely day? Fine I hope. Anybody watching the Olympics opening ceremony? I am catching a bit of it but I was cleaning up a while ago so I missed a big part. I missed the starting too. I hope they show it over so I can take it in properly. Today I would like to talk about something something random. I want to drop a story idea for anybody who is suffering from writer's block. I know that I touched on the subject before so I thought that I could help out anyone who is suffering from it right now. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to drop two story ideas. Its going to be with the same characters but in different ways. You don't have to send your stories to me, you don't even have to mention to me that you used the idea (though I would love to see how you make it your own). Anyway here we go... First story idea: A detective investigating a series of murders when he realizes that his next door neighbour who...

Happy Birthday MOM, hope you're resting peacefully

Hello good day and good morrow to you! How are you on this lovely evening? Wondrous? Hopefully. As for me, My neck hurts because I slept badly so every time I try to look over my left shoulder I feel pain. Plus I have the cold and my voice is coming and going, so generally I'm a mess, but what kind of blogger would I be if I didn't update as promised? So here I am again with you, its a nice place to be when we're here together. Today is my mom's birthday, our second one without her. So this post is dedicated to her memory and I want to make it all about her. Today this post is about someone who has always meant the world to me and I thought that one of the best ways to honoring her is to post the Eulogy I wrote her funeral service. This is the first time since she died that I am taking the time to type it up, I wanted to before but I honestly couldn't bring myself to do it. So now, here we go: 'My mother was never a perfect woman, but she never tried to be ...

Movie Review: Regular Guys or Echte Kerle

Hello and good day all you guys and girls. How are you on this lovely evening?Fine and peachy I hope. I think that I am getting a cold. Not think really,it seems that I have it already. I'm sneezing and blowing my nose. That is one the reasons why I am updating in the last hour like I am right now.Its nine minutes past ten, so yes I am cutting it pretty close here. Me and my eleven o' clock deadline. Anyway today I would like to talk about an old German movie (I think it came out in 1996) I watched called 'Regular Guys' OR 'Echte Kerle'. It is the story of a man who tries to drink his problems away and wakes up the next day naked and in the arms of another man. This is an interesting plot and why I wanted to watch the romance comedy in the first place. So there is tension between the main guy (who is a cop) and the other guy (who is a mechanic and an out gay) as they end up living together. Also the cop is trying to find out if he slept with the mechanic (he ...

Failure is not an option

Hello and good morrow. How are you on this lovely yet grateful day? I'm not sure what there is to be grateful for..well I am alive and I am warm, dry and on my own laptop, so maybe there are things to be grateful for. Last night I got a German to English dictionary and some other German text books, I was supposed to go for it today but my cousin brought it for me. Its a good thing though because I really wasn't feeling up to going in town today. I just feel like not going. I was still going to get up and go because maybe it was just me feeling lazy but then it started raining and I changed my mind. =/ Okay so enough of the unimportant stuff, today I have no idea what to talk about. I mean I have some ideas but none of them seem right. I mean I am still going to update today but it seems that I haven't found that spark topic to blog about so I think that maybe that's what I should talk about. So today I would like to talk about how hard it could be sometimes to find so...

Website Review: Omegle

Hey out there guys and girls, and how are you on this lovely day? Wondrous I hope. Yesterday was my brother's birthday I realized that I forgot to mention that. At least I don't think I did, so happy birthday Brethren!! I hope it wasn't too bad. Yesterday he was telling our other brother that it was the worst birthday he ever had. We told him too come over by us and spend the rest of it but he declined. I wonder what happened, hmm I guess I'll have to ask him the next time I see him. I mean I could call but its not the best thing to do when he is not in a good mood ya know. Any who today I would like to talk about 'Omegle'. Omegle is basically a chat site (where you don't have to sign up) Just log in and start to talk to strangers online. Lets talk about some positives, firstly Its nice that you don't have to sign up at all, you basically appear as a stranger to everyone which I have no problem with. Plus its a great thing to do if your bored as hell. ...

Grave Surprise, Book Review part 2

Hello, good day and good morrow to you all out there in the land of the unknown. How are you on this day in this hour? Great and colourful I hope. Today is a very draggy kind of day. Its not really dragging per say, it just seems later than it really is. I have some drawings to do for a competition that I plan on entering. I just need to update this first though..... Now on to the important stuff, today I would like to finish my review of 'Grave Surprise'. So just to recap, the book, which was written by Charlaine Harris, is not one that I am soon to forget. It centers around Harper Connelly, who possess a unique gift that allows her to find and detect the cause of death of deceased persons and her step-brother Tolliver, who are in the business of around helping people find their missing loved ones after they suspect that the person is dead (or have been murdered as the case may be). If you read my first partial review of the book I go a little more in dept into the plot. Thi...

Things to do on a rainy day

Hello everyone present on this rainy day on this crazy yet lovable blog. How are you on this evenings of all evenings? Wonderfully attentive I hope. Today I'd like to talk about things to do on a rainy day. With the amount of rainy and bleak weather that occurs these days it always pays to have a few tricks up your sleeve in which to pass the time. Of course on these dark days all you feel like doing is curling up in bed and sleeping the hours away BUT there are other ways to pass time. Invest some time in getting movies and maybe you can watch some old classics, or some new ones that you have never seen. I like browsing DVD stores and some times I take movies that sound interesting but I'd never heard of them. You can use days like this to discover a new favorite movies or a new collection of rubbish movies that you will never watch again. Take the time and get some games. Be it a challenging PC game or interesting board game. It always passes time when you have your mind a...

Partial Book Review: Grave Surprises

Hello good day and good morrow to you. How are you on this wonderful night? Not blue I hope. Today is a good day. It is a good day for many reasons. Today I watched a movie with my brother, I spend some time exercising and then I drew a picture using colour pencils. Its the first time I have ever sketched something with that, usually I just use pencils so I am very proud of the way it turned out. I'll get my brother to scan the picture so I can add it at the bottom of this post. Today I would like to talk about this book I'm reading called 'Grave Surprise'.It is written by Charlaine Harris who is also the writer of the 'Sookie Stackhouse' books or 'True Blood' for those of you familiar with the t.v. series. Grave Surprise introduces the world to Harper Connelly a girl who was hit by lightening one day when she was washing her hair. One of the many side effects is that one of her legs is not as strong as it used to be and she has to exercise it every no...

Aspire to Accomplish

Hello and good morrow to you. How are you on this special evening? Peachy I hope. So what shall we talk about today? You know I did make that list of topics that I want to talk about, so that is progress on the being unprepared thing. yay! What the hell my shift button wasn't working properly just now. This is a new laptop, kadljjlaksd. Okay back to the thing at hand. Today I would like to talk about doing things that people expect you to fail at, an accomplishing them. I would like to start by saying don't ever let people tell you that you cant do something. With hard work ANYTHING is possible. I have the perfect example for this. When I told my family that I wanted to play the guitar I was met with lots of challenges. Most of the people I talked too had something negetive to say about it. My fingers were to small, its to hard to learn, its expensive, I dont have the skill to pick up something like that, yada, yada, yada. Few people believed that I could achieve what I want...

The Magic Of Music

Hello good day and good morrow to you. What is up on this day which is today? I feel awful. Its that time, if you know what I mean and I am getting the antisocial bug. For the next few days I'll probably have it. sigh* On a brighter note, today lets talk about music. I think it would be nice to get a good mood going. So what kind of music are you into? Do you have a particular genre that you favor? For me music holds a special place in my heart. I grew up with it. When I was younger I used to play the Cuatro. Not alot of people know that about me since I only used to when we used to play Parang in a small family band. Those were the days and was also a very long time ago. Oh Parang is the music Trinidadians and Tobagonians usually play during Christmas time. Its is a mixture of Spanish, french and English songs. If you've never heard a Parang song you should look it up. Its pretty awesome. Anyway dont play Quatro anymore but I hope to get one soon and re learn it. I do play...

My Rainy Day

Wow well its ten o clock and I almost missed my own deadline, but its only because I've had a busy day. What about you, what has your day been like? Anyway let me get to the formal introductions.... Hello and good morrow to you. How are you on this rainy as shit day? Fine and dry I hope. Unless you like getting wet ...heh heh dirty joke. Today I would like to talk about my day. I planned on getting up and out of bed at ten and get dressed and go into town. My brother and I had this great day planned, we would go get cloth to make some crafts like bags and pillows and shit, go to the library and if we had time we would go watch The Amazing Spider-Man and Ice Age 4 (though he didnt know about that last part. It was his prize for getting the marks to go to the school that he really wanted to go). So we woke up and I called my friend who was tagging along first thing to wake her up as well because she wakes up later than I do. Then we start getting ready and guess what happens. Its...


Hello and good morrow to you and how are you on this day? Today is a great day isn't it? Actually I don't really know what to say about today. Its been on the bleak side mostly, maybe it will rain? I don't know and that itself its not really important. I am just stalling because I don't really know what to talk about. Lets see, I keep telling myself to make a list of topics that I want to talk about so I wont end up with moments where I have no idea what to talk about but I am again. So today I want to talk about Procrastination. Procrastination, is basically that feeling when you get when you know you have to do something and you keep telling yourself that you'd do it later, or tomorrow.... Most people if not all procrastinate even if they don't always admit it. Maybe if not for everything but for some things. I have been procrastinating alot when it comes to doing designs, writing and some other things that I should be doing. Like there are lots...