Hello and good morrow to you! How are you all on this wonderfully wondrous day? Great I hope. Today was kind of strange. For one I still am not sure that today is Tuesday, i was thinking that it was Monday or something, the only proof that i had that it wasn't (besides my watch) was that people were saying it that it was. Anyway on to today. Today I would like to talk about emancipation. Tomorrow its going to be the Trinidad and Tobago's 50th anniversary of Emancipation. So I would to wish everyone from our island a happy happy emancipation day. The country seems to be going through the works of getting ready for tomorrow. I hope that it goes along smoothly. I have a few thoughts on what they are going with there plans on the celebration but I would rather not go into that right now. We have been through alot as a people and as a nation and as we past this landmark in our nation's history let us hope that as we have many more mild stones to cross, we do so to the best o...