Ciao and good morrow to you? How are you today? Fine I'm hoping. Today I would like to talk about siblings. This is coming from experience of an eldest child. So if you were born before any of your brothers or sisters then you know what you mean. This post is the highlight some of the positive and negative things about not being an only child.
I have two brothers, and no sisters. I have some female friends that are like sisters to me though so its not like I don't know what it would be like to have sisters. I have an idea.
My brothers though, are annoying, they piss me off more that I can stand sometimes and yet don't know what I would do without them. It's like the little rascals are apart of me. We don't always get along honestly, especially since mom died and I'm in charge.
My fifteen year old brother feels as if he knows everything. Especially now that he has now gone to live with his step mother and father. Plus he always finds a way to justify that what he is saying is the right thing. He should be a lawyer.
The other one is twelve and is at that age where he wants to be close to his brother and trying out different attitudes to see what he gets away with. The sixteen year old and I disagree alot when it comes to how to properly raise the youngest who still lives with me.
Its not all bad though,there are times when we stick together. We have moments when its just the three of us and we laugh together, talk and just be with each-other. I would be rather lonely without them and probably doomed to live a pretty boring existence. They make everyday worth getting up for and I don't know if i'd have been able to get through mom's passing without them.
My words of advice for today: Siblings drive us crazy, they send us mad BUT when push comes to shove most of the time you can count on them to be there for you. Even when they don't always agree with what you are doing.
Ciao for now! Laters and Auf Wiedersehen!
P.S. if you have siblings and what to tell me about them, feel free to leave a comment, if you are an only child but have friends who are like siblings comment too. I want to know what is on your mind.
I have two brothers, and no sisters. I have some female friends that are like sisters to me though so its not like I don't know what it would be like to have sisters. I have an idea.
My brothers though, are annoying, they piss me off more that I can stand sometimes and yet don't know what I would do without them. It's like the little rascals are apart of me. We don't always get along honestly, especially since mom died and I'm in charge.
My fifteen year old brother feels as if he knows everything. Especially now that he has now gone to live with his step mother and father. Plus he always finds a way to justify that what he is saying is the right thing. He should be a lawyer.
The other one is twelve and is at that age where he wants to be close to his brother and trying out different attitudes to see what he gets away with. The sixteen year old and I disagree alot when it comes to how to properly raise the youngest who still lives with me.
Its not all bad though,there are times when we stick together. We have moments when its just the three of us and we laugh together, talk and just be with each-other. I would be rather lonely without them and probably doomed to live a pretty boring existence. They make everyday worth getting up for and I don't know if i'd have been able to get through mom's passing without them.
My words of advice for today: Siblings drive us crazy, they send us mad BUT when push comes to shove most of the time you can count on them to be there for you. Even when they don't always agree with what you are doing.
Ciao for now! Laters and Auf Wiedersehen!
P.S. if you have siblings and what to tell me about them, feel free to leave a comment, if you are an only child but have friends who are like siblings comment too. I want to know what is on your mind.
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